Wednesday, May 25, 2011

It Is Never Too Late be what you might have been. (George Eliot)

This post is supposed to contain a list of ten regrets that I have, and ten goals that I have set for myself but it is not going to have either of them. Sorry for letting you down on that but you will see why soon enough.

The only regret that I have is that I never finished my university degree and as of this past September I came back to school to rectify that so I really have no regrets. I am sure that none of you will believe me about that but it is the truth. Sure there have been times in my life in which I wish I would have done things different so that maybe things would have turned out differently. Coming up on three years ago I made the realization that I am who I am because of everything that has happened to me in my life, the good and the bad, and I would not want to change who I am for anything. Which means that if I were to have regrets about my life, means that I would want to change a part of who I am, so I have none. Again I am sure that there are those who might think that I am crazy for not wanting to change anything about myself but there really is not. Anybody who has actually taken the time to get to know me knows that I am not a normal person. I do not try to be something that I am not, I am just simply me. I am unique, one-of-a-kind. Why would I want to ever change that? If people do not like me for who I am, then it is not my loss, it is theirs.

So I have no regrets, but do I have any goals? Well, the thing is it is hard to set goals when you do not know what you want out of life. The only thing I have really ever wanted to do with my life is to change the world, to make it a better place. Talk about going big or going home right. I have had thoughts and ideas on how I could but realistically speaking none of them are possible with today's standards. I could always go for more realistic goals, like growing old, getting married, having a family. I could but then again I do not. A wise man once said "'Tis better to have loved and lost than never to have loved at all." (Alfred Lord Tennyson) We have all heard that before and I have had love and not just some crush, or fleeting desire, or lust, or even the general conception of what love is. I have had true love, a love so grande that it escapes all possible definitions, no amount of words could ever hope to describe it's true power, and no actions could ever convey its full meaning. Unfortunately, find a love like that is few and far between, that is evident with the extremely high divorce rate. I have had that once in my life and life took it away. How could I settle for anything less than that again? I cannot, I can only hope to get it back some day but that is not for me to decide. Only time will.

So I do not have any regrets, and I except for the impossible, I do not have any goals either. The only thing for me is to take what life gives me and try to make the best of it as much as I can.

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