Sunday, September 26, 2010

It's Not Wise upset a Wookiee (Han Solo)

September 26, 2010.

1:24am Unknown number
>>Love you

1:28am Me
>>Do you?

1:29am Unknown number
>>Oh ya

1:30am Me
>>Are you sure you have the right number?

1:31am Unknown number
>>Loooool I know its u kmac

1:33am Me
>>Lol no it's really not.

1:34am Unknown number

1:35am Me
>>I just got this number two weeks ago.

1:37am Unknown number
>>Oh ya

1:37am Me

1:37am Unknown number

1:43am Me
>>Good luck with declaring your love to kmac though

1:44am Unknown number
>>Hot shit

1:48am Me
>>I'm sure kmac is

1:48am Unknown number
>>Fuck kmac eh what a prick

1:50am Me
>>Why do you say that?

1:51am Unknown number
>>Why not?

1:51am Me
>>Well I wouldn't know.

1:52am Unknown number
>>Oh ya?

1:52am Me
>>I don't know kmac so I can't make any assumptions.

1:54am Unknown number
>>that's fair man he's hairy.. Chewbacs shots

1:56am Me
>>C'mon now don't be hatin' on the wookiee

1:57am Unknown number
>>Hahah wookies for life

1:57am Me
>>Damn straight

Tuesday, September 21, 2010

I've Always Envied People Who Sleep Easily

Their brains must be cleaner, the floorboards of the skull well swept, all the little monsters closed up in a steamer trunk at the foot of the bed." (David Benioff - City of Thieves)

Oh my dearest, how I have not missed the endless nights kept awake by your very presence. Or how you torment me with the vivid array of thoughts and queries about anything and everything imaginable. The grip you have on me tightens with each visit you pay me, making me wish for a time when I was free from your hold. Free to rest and recover until our next encounter throws me back into the gauntlet. Why can I not just be rid of you? Will you ever just leave me to be in peace?

Monday, September 6, 2010

Ah, Summer, What Power You Have make us suffer and like it. (Russel Baker)

Goodness gracious I am back once again.

My apologies for the two people that might actually read this for my impromptu hiatus the past few months. The last two-three months have been quite crazy and hectic. Here is the brief rundown of the events:

Quit my job.
Port Elgin.
Multiple games of baseball.
Sauble Beach.
Stag/Stag and Doe.
More baseball.
Back to school.

Now somehow I went from having like absolutely no social life to practically never being home apart from the time I was actually just studying. I wish I knew how it happened, and as much as I just like to stay in and do nothing I liked being out there and running around being among others a lot more. Who would have guessed that about the quiet guy who keeps to himself? This past weekend I felt completely lost. This is the first full weekend that I have spent here in Ottawa and from the very few people I know here none wanted to do anything and I was left here to my lonesome self.


I know, woe is me and all that...

I know there are other people out there with bigger problems and all that. This was not me complaining about not having anything to do, this is me explaining that after however many years of being a shut in recluse I am finally wanting more out of my life.

This little boy is finally growing up.