Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Questions Are Never Indiscreet

...answers sometimes are. (Oscar Wilde)

Are you tired of looking for the perfect question? Tired of not finding the one that you want? Well you are in luck! Here at Crazy Quincey's Question Emporium we are having a question bonaza! AND! For a limited time offer, we will throw in the answer for free! Now is that a deal or is that a deal?

  • what is one thing the world could do without?
  • Just one thing? I could easily make a huge list what the world could do without but I think for the sake of this I will limit myself to just one. Money. If we could live in a world without money I think everybody would be much better off, no trying to just make ends meet, no greed, no class segregation between the wealthy and the poor.

  • what is something the world could use more of?
  • Vegetation, this world is needing more and more vegetation, preferably of the green variety. We all know about global warming and whether you want to believe it or not is a whole other discussion, but bear with me for a moment though. The dinosaurs were as big as they were because they lived in a period of Earth's history that had a highly oxygenated atmosphere. Now I for one saw something strange in high school, the preceding classes coming up got smaller and smaller. Sure it is possible that there is a completely different and viable reason for that but it is at least something to ponder over. Then of course besides the extra oxygen there is the matter of more food, more trees to climb, more meadows to frolic in, etc, etc, you get the idea.

  • What is one skill you have that you are most proud of?
  • One thing about me is that I do not have any skills that really stand out ahead of anything else that I am capable of doing though, there is one thing that I have been complimented on numerous times by various people. That is I have a bit of a talent for writing. Personally I do not see it but sometimes you just have to trust in other people's judgements.

  • If you could change your name what to and why?
  • For the longest time I got called by my last name, so much so that even a few of my teachers called me by it, it was strange. Also, a little sad because about eighty percent of the people who knew of me, did not even know what my first name was, oh well what are you going to do? Change your name to fucking Bruce Wayne that's what! Hell yeah bitches, and then my nickname could be 'Batman' how epic would that be?

  • What are the three most important words in the English language?
  • This is a difficult question that all depends on your definition of importance. For me I would have to say that the three most important words are "How are you?" Not just a simple how are you out of curtsey, but an honest to god, actually caring to hear what the person has to say how are you.

  • What is one thing you want to tell someone but you can’t for whatever reason?
  • One thing that I want to tell someone but cannot for whatever reason would be to say this, You are the absolute worst person I have ever met, or ever known, and that I feel absolutely sorry for the baby that you brought into this world it deserves a whole lot better then you.

  • Forgetting how old you are according to reality terms how old do you think you are?
  • I am going to attack this question on three fronts, mentality, maturity, and physical. My mentality is younger than I actually am, I do not live my life as being grown up, or an adult, it is more of an misguided youth. Maturity wise I would say that I am well beyond my years, always have been. Now physically I am finally catching up with my age, sure I will still go out and do things that I know I should not be doing because I am hurt in whatever way, it is no fun to sit on the sidelines. Doing that for so long over the years has definitely strained my body and I am slowing down a bit.

  • Can you lie without saying anything?
  • Yes, you can totally lie without saying anything. Body language has a huge impact in any sort of social contact and can sometimes say a lot more than words.

  • If you could get one message out to the world and have them all listen to you what you you say?
  • To save this from getting into one very long speech I will simplify it for everybody. Get your fucking heads out of your asses and smarten the fuck up.

  • If you could spend a day with no repercussions how would your day go?
  • I really do not have an answer for this, I just do not know. Go around feeling all the ladies up? Rob a bank? Kill somebody? Just walk around naked for the entire day? Pee all over George W's leg/ All things that I could do but I do not see the point, ok well maybe the last one would be worth doing.

  • Are there skeletons in your closet that shouldn’t be?
  • I do not think so, my closet is pretty bare, though at the same time people might just be oblivious to what all is out in the open so I do not know if that counts or not.

  • Have you ever done something wrong that constantly haunts you?
  • Masturbating, seriously, the billions of sperm that have no chance at fulfilling their life's destiny solely because I could not keep my hand out of pants. Sad, so sad.

  • Whats worth more risk and reward or moral rightness??
  • Risk and reward, hands down. You can live your life on the moral high ground all you want but you cannot get anywhere in life unless you are willing take the necessary risks, there just is no argument on this one. Sure it sucks that you have to risk it all but that is just apart of life and the feeling of hitting it big after risking it all is one of the greatest feelings you can have.

  • If you answered moral rightness do you actually have what it takes to not just say it but do it?
  • Since I did not answer moral rightness, I cannot really answer this properly but I will answer it regardless. Do I think I could have what it takes to not just say it but back it up? Yeah I do, not so much because I have any sort of actual set morals about things but because I know the difference between right and wrong and I would much rather do right by others than to wrong them.

  • Would you break the law for a loved ones life?
  • As in saving a loved ones life? Yeah, without a doubt. There is no greater cause worth fighting for then love. Love makes everything else in the world seem pale in comparison.

  • What is the most important thing to you right this moment? Will it still be that important to you at 90 years old?
  • I guess right now the most important thing for me is that I am still alive, that does not really say much but it is nice to still be here living on this planet. I am sure down the road that my answer will change and I hope it does but for now, in this moment that is what it is and I imagine that when I am 90 years old I would still value being alive.

  • What are you thinking right now??
  • Ahh the thoughts that are all up inside my brain at the moment in time. Well I give a bit of a rundown at what is all inside of there.
    - A girl who has given me more to think about pretty much everything than anybody else ever has.
    - Poker on Saturday night, hopefully win me some moolah.
    - How hot and sticky it is in my room, and how it feels like a bit of a sauna.
    - That I need a haircut, preferably tomorrow, as well as a few groceries.
    - Volleyball tomorrow.
    - Mmm juice.
    - And how this has taken me longer to write then I thought it would.

  • If you could do it all over again would you change anything?
  • I have answered this question over and over many times before amongst my posts, and the answer is and will always be a resounding no.

  • If you had to teach something what would you teach?
  • As in a scholarly subject? I would say I would teach either math, physics, or perhaps even philosophy.

  • Time or money?
  • Well in this day and age, time is money so they are essentially one in the same. That sort of defeats the whole question so you are just out of luck.

  • What made you smile last?

  • What is it you fear the most?
  • I fear that I will be right, and that I will be alone for the rest of my life.

  • Who is it you hate the most?
  • Honestly speaking, I really do not hate anyone. There are people that I dislike for various reason but I would not say that it is strong enough to go to hate. If I have to choose the one that I dislike the most, I would have to go with my brother.

  • What makes you the saddest?
  • Feeling like my life just is not worth it, that I would be better off if I just was not here at all. That makes me the saddest and it is an unshakeable feeling sometimes.

  • What turns you cold with fear?
  • Going into the water at the beach or in a pool, I am not a water person and I cannot swim at all, not even float, so I do freak out whenever I attempt to go in larger pools or bodies of water sometimes.

  • Live and never love? or love and know heartache?
  • Speaking from experience and knowing both the feeling of love and heartache I would have to go with the latter. Just experiencing the feeling of love at all is well worth any pain that might eventually come with it, even though in most cases it takes a lot of time to come to that realization.

  • 5 traits that are stereotypically the opposite sex that are very much your traits as well
  • Five traits, not sure if I can do that but I will give it my best shot.
    1. I am a sensitive person and not afraid to get in touch with my emotions from time to time, though for the most part I do tend to hide them very well.
    2. You know that whole Jedi mind trick that a woman can do bringing up what seems like every little thing against you in a fight? Yeah I can do that, I love it.
    3. This might fall under the whole sensitive thing but I am giving its own trait. I am very caring person, even to those that I have never met or know.
    4. I like to cook. I know this might sound a little sexiest, or make it seem like I think woman to belong in the kitchen, I do not think that at all.
    5. I can appreciate a nice shoe. Not pumps, not heels, or any other kind that you woman go ga-ga over. Comfortable shoes, that I actually wear more than once in a lifetime.

    Friday, May 27, 2011

    The Whole Secret Of Existence Is To Have No Fear

    Never fear what will become of you, depend on no one. Only the moment you reject all help are you freed. (Buddha)

    I recently had a conversation with a friend and it led to some things being said about that needed to be said and to be heard. It ultimately boils down to what the difference is between living and existing in this world. I am not proud of it, nor am I ashamed of it, but I am the former. I just live in this world I do not exist in it.

    The way I see it to exist in this world is to be apart of it, not just to simply be alive and living your life, but to reach down deeper inside yourself. To share yourself with others and connect deeply with all living things whether it is in an positive or negative way. My friend was right when she said what is the point of being alive if you were not willing to share yourself with others. There is no point, and to not share is to be living a dead life. I do know this and I do understand this completely. The key point in there though is that you have to share yourself with others to exist and even though I open myself up to care about others, I keep myself closed when others try to get in. That is why I only live in this world and not exist.

    I have said and this is still as true as ever that I am who I am, and there is nothing I would change about myself if I could. There is no bullshit about that. I have had my moment when my world came crashing down around me because it was too much for me to bear any longer. Even though the circumstances around that might seem less significant when compared to others, but for me it was nothing less than rock bottom. To keep this simple, I had lost faith in everything, including the only thing that I ever had to truly rely on and that was myself. There has never been another time in my life when I had wished more for death to come take me away so that I could just move on to whatever lies beyond. Right now in this moment in my life I only live it, because just simply living in this world is essentially being dead to it and that is what I am. I am dead.

    I live my life without letting others in because this is my way of cutting myself, my way of committing suicide a million times over without actually doing it. I would not change who I am because deep down to the core of my being this is what I believe I deserve and need right now in my life. Not because I am some masochist that needs to feel pain to feel alive. So that when I finally find the faith that I lost in myself I will be a much stronger and better person because of this.

    Wednesday, May 25, 2011

    Sleeping Is No Mean Art

    For its sake one must stay awake all day. (Friedrich Nietzsche)

    It was been awhile since I have been on here writing quizzical nonsense and at the direction from a new friend was told that I should go blog about something. Not knowing what to write about I asked her what I should write about and she was kind enough to give me some suggestions. So this post is dedicated to you.

    The suggestions that she gave to me were:
    1. Best thing that has happened in your life.
    2. The most traumatic event.
    3. Write a letter to three different people telling the things you would never actually say in person.
    4. A list of 10 regrets, and a list of 10 goals.

    Now with the help of the oh so wonderful insomnia I will attempt to get as much of them as I can before I eventually crash for a few hours of sleep.

    Seeing as there is multiple suggestions I am going to break them up, and furthermore since the first two are past events that have happened in my life I am going to go ahead and post them on my other blog The Memories That Were. As for them and the others I will post associated links on here as they become finished, all you will have to do is click each suggestion on the list above to view each of their corresponding posts.

    It Is Never Too Late

    ...to be what you might have been. (George Eliot)

    This post is supposed to contain a list of ten regrets that I have, and ten goals that I have set for myself but it is not going to have either of them. Sorry for letting you down on that but you will see why soon enough.

    The only regret that I have is that I never finished my university degree and as of this past September I came back to school to rectify that so I really have no regrets. I am sure that none of you will believe me about that but it is the truth. Sure there have been times in my life in which I wish I would have done things different so that maybe things would have turned out differently. Coming up on three years ago I made the realization that I am who I am because of everything that has happened to me in my life, the good and the bad, and I would not want to change who I am for anything. Which means that if I were to have regrets about my life, means that I would want to change a part of who I am, so I have none. Again I am sure that there are those who might think that I am crazy for not wanting to change anything about myself but there really is not. Anybody who has actually taken the time to get to know me knows that I am not a normal person. I do not try to be something that I am not, I am just simply me. I am unique, one-of-a-kind. Why would I want to ever change that? If people do not like me for who I am, then it is not my loss, it is theirs.

    So I have no regrets, but do I have any goals? Well, the thing is it is hard to set goals when you do not know what you want out of life. The only thing I have really ever wanted to do with my life is to change the world, to make it a better place. Talk about going big or going home right. I have had thoughts and ideas on how I could but realistically speaking none of them are possible with today's standards. I could always go for more realistic goals, like growing old, getting married, having a family. I could but then again I do not. A wise man once said "'Tis better to have loved and lost than never to have loved at all." (Alfred Lord Tennyson) We have all heard that before and I have had love and not just some crush, or fleeting desire, or lust, or even the general conception of what love is. I have had true love, a love so grande that it escapes all possible definitions, no amount of words could ever hope to describe it's true power, and no actions could ever convey its full meaning. Unfortunately, find a love like that is few and far between, that is evident with the extremely high divorce rate. I have had that once in my life and life took it away. How could I settle for anything less than that again? I cannot, I can only hope to get it back some day but that is not for me to decide. Only time will.

    So I do not have any regrets, and I except for the impossible, I do not have any goals either. The only thing for me is to take what life gives me and try to make the best of it as much as I can.

    I Consider It A Good Rule For Letter-Writing

    ...to leave unmentioned what the recipient already knows, and instead tell him something new. (Sigmund Freud)

    Three short letters, to three different people.

    Letter 1

    To L

    I had the hugest crush on you throughout school, since about grade 7 until we graduated from high school. Pathetic I know, to go so long and I could not even look at you in the eyes because I would get flustered and become more quiet than I already was and I do not know how that was even possible. I remember one time in grade 7 we were the first ones to get done some sort of math related word search first and were asked to go set up the volleyball nets in the gym for us to use in our next period. After we got done setting them up, I grabbed a drink at the fountain in the hall and you walked back to class and all I could do was try not to drool as your hips wiggled perfectly back and forth. I was in a trance. If only I had not been that shy quiet nervous guy for all those years.

    Letter 2

    To C

    For everything you did to people, to our parents, to our friends, to our neighbours, it is unforgivable. You were nothing more than an idiot with your so called acts of rebellion which were nothing more than pathetic pleas for attention. Seriously, who runs away five times and comes crawling back each time before finally leaving for good? You were selfish and for no reason at all, none whatsoever. Whatever respect I had for you up until the point was lost and it is not something you will ever get back.

    Letter 3

    To H

    I am sorry I never said goodbye to you one last time before you passed on, it was selfish of myself. Death does not bother me like it does most others and even though it would have meant nothing to me to go pay you a last visit, it would have meant something to you in your final time on this earth. May your soul rest in peace for all eternity.

    The Traumatic.

    Everybody has the events in their lives that leave us with a mark on the very core of our being, and with everything in life they can be for the better or for the worse. This is one of those negatively traumatic experiences that is still with me to this very day.

    First a little bit of a back story. I was born in Kitchener, and a few months before my second birthday my family had moved to a small little town called Drayton. Actually it is not even a town, population wise it is still considered a village. Way back when before the world started to really turn more toward the dark side, it was a really close-knit and peaceful community. It did not take long for my parents to make friends with the neighbours and eventually my mom would go over in the mornings to a few of the neighbours for coffee and well gossip. Now sometime when I was two my mom asked me if I wanted to go over with her and I guess I said no I did not want to go. I was a kid, hell I was a toddler so I was generally bored out of my mind whenever I went. All I wanted to do was watch my children's shows on tv. Anyway, I said no one day and my mom left me at home while she went to the neighbours. I always knew which neighbours she was at and I was a bright kid, I knew how to get a hold of her if I ever needed to, or in some instances, once my shows were over I walked over there. I have a memory of myself walking up the street in my blue footie pajamas to go get my mom to come home and make me some lunch.

    Now, the fact that I was left home alone at such an early age is pretty traumatic in itself but it gets a little worse.

    One day when I was four years old, my mom had gone out to one of her friends for her morning coffee/gossip session except this time she was going a tiny bit further than usual. Her friend Cathy lived relatively close by, but unlike the usual places my mom would go, Cathy's house was on the other side of the main street in town. Now after have walking over to several other neighbour's houses I was confident in myself that I could do the same this time. So after I finished watching The Friendly Giant I set out to go get my mom. Everything was going fine, I double and tripled checked for cars before crossing the street but then two-thirds of the way across something happened.

    All I remember is this...

    I can remember collapsing, I do not know why, or what caused it but I collapsed. As I was falling down, I can remember seeing Cathy's two kids, Mark and Michelle, come around the corner at the main intersection as they were on their way home from school for lunch.

    I can remember sprawled out on the road and trying to move but all I could do was lift my head up, and when I did that I saw a car start coming over the little hill in the road and right at me. By the way it was a white car with partial tinting on the windshield, if anybody is interested in knowing that.

    Next thing I remember is being inside of Cathy's house and on a pair of crutches that Cathy had lying around from when she broke her ankle and that they were massively too big for me and for whatever reason my knee was sore.

    That is really all I remember from that day. Now before you go on bashing on my mom about how horrible it was for her to be leaving me alone like that and yadda yadda, there really is no point. Sure it was not the right thing to be doing and for the longest time I held it against her but I have come to terms with it and what it has done to me psychologically. I am who I am today because of everything that has happened to me in my life up until this point in time. Despite everything that has happened I would not change anything if I had the power to do so because in doing so I would change who I become and I would never want to change who I am.

    Tuesday, May 24, 2011

    The Best.

    After a lifetime of not so happy memories, it is sometimes tough to pick out any of the good things that have happened let alone the best of them. If I had to actually make a choice I would have to say when I first started dating my first girlfriend Rebecca. This is the story of how we started dating.

    After coming off of a dismal social life back home that I would try to get a head start doing the one social method that I was comfortable dealing with, the internet. I decided to make an account on hotornot.com. Yeah I know it is quite sad of me to say but that is the route that I took. Seeing as I would soon to be heading off for what turned out to be year one of round one at university I started to try and connect with people that would be in Ottawa so that maybe, just maybe I would not feel like such a loser when I moved there. I actually ended up talking to a few people and attempted the big meet up with a couple of them. The first one, Amanda, ended up being my first sexual experience and another one whose name is not coming to mind who chickened out literally at the last minute. I am sure by now that you can guess who one of the ones that I met off of there ended up being… yep Rebecca. She also attended the same university, unfortunately though we had not started talking until mid-December, which also happened to be exam time so we had a lack of time to actually meet up and then of course there was Christmas break. It was not until the third week in January that we ended up getting together and hanging out. I was just invited over to her dorm room to hang out with her, her roommates and a few other people that lived on her floor. Later on that night we ended up going into her room and put on a movie but of course that did not really happen and we ended up doing everything but sex multiple times that night. At one point after we had already gotten each other off I asked her if she had any condoms and her exact words were “not on the first night babe,” so harsh. My thoughts to that were well I guess I am going to have to come back another night and so I did about a week and a half later. I was invited to go skating with her and her friends on the canal, after that we watched a movie for a bit with her roommates and then went into her room to go watch a movie of our own which ended up being an all-night sex-a-thon. Ok well not all night we only did it three times and then passed out after a handful of hours. Now as I had been getting closer to Rebecca, I was also getting closer to a girl on my floor Danielle. Now, Danielle and I never actually ended up doing anything more than some cuddling in the tv lounge late at night when nobody else was awake it did pose a little bit of an uneasy tension between Danielle and I because she knew I had been spending time with Rebecca. I also had told Danielle that I had not yet slept with Rebecca, which at the time of me telling her that was true. However, after my little three times in one night which I will admit I was proud of, I made a little metaphorical comment on my MSN status to boast about it a little bit. Obviously, that was a stupid idea because not too long after that I was on my way to get some food with Big James when we ran into Danielle and Big James just had to make a comment about it and make me spill the beans. So yeah I was not happy about that because I did like both Danielle and Rebecca and was not sure which way I should go but this forced my hand and did not quite have a choice about which way to go. The entire time I was trying to decide whether to go for Danielle or Rebecca, Rebecca was kept in the dark about Danielle and later on Rebecca was kept in the dark about a little encounter I had with Allison. It had been about a month since Rebecca and I had started to sleep together, and the only time either of us had tried to bring up about whether or not that we were dating was when one of us was drunk and neither of us were sure what we wanted exactly. Now in residence we had this nice little program (DC++) set-up so that everybody in a dorm room could share music, movies, pictures, or whatever. It also had a little handy built in chat feature that I had used a few times and ended up talking to Allison, who also lived on my floor but I never really had met. So one day in late February we got together to go watch a movie in her room and yes I am sure as you all can guess we ended up having sex and in my opinion it was pretty damn good. Except for one small thing, I had no emotional connection to Allison. Not like I did with Rebecca. This was the first time that I realized just how much that I actually liked Rebecca and sure enough three days later Rebecca and I started officially dating. It was the first time in a very very long time that I was actually truly happy and for that reason is why it was the best thing that has happened to me in my life.