Friday, November 26, 2010

This Is For All The Bitches, Hos And Tricks

...I wouldn't talk to any of you, if I didn't have a dick (Tucker Max)

The first time that I came across the writings of Tucker Max was approximately 5 years ago when I was sent the link to his website,, and began reading his stories. The more I read the more I came enchanted. He is a self proclaimed asshole who only thinks of himself and his only personal gratification and yet I could not get enough of the stories he posted online. I read through as quickly as I possibly could and I honestly wished I could be more like him. Granted back then I was a socially stunted loser that did not have much of a life, so it was not hard to imagine that grasping onto his exploits and aspiring towards them were not all that implausible.

At that point in time he had been working on his first book entitled "I Hope The Serve Beer In Hell" which later came out a month or so after I was introduced to his site, even later for it to come out in Canada. I never did get around to purchasing the book back then and I eventually lost interest in the site completely. Somehow I managed to create a bit of a life for myself, quite the miracle actually. This past week however, I was in Chapters and decided to buy a copy of his first book and began reading all the stories that are in it (not all are posted on his website). The stories range from him insulting all sorts of different types of people, mocking them until the point that therapy may never be able to repair the damage inflicted, and hooking up with girls in all sorts of different situations that sometimes end up in some disgusting scene.

Obviously this is the sort of thing that caught quickly especially within the teen or college community, not any different than that of the "Jackass" movies. Guys all over the country wanted to be like him, and tons of girls wanted to be used by him. If you are into low humor all of the stories are hilarious, but what I find is the funniest is that despite all of his debauchery there is a hidden moral behind it all. Tucker is a guy who just is who he is without caring about the consequences of his actions and that is something everybody should take from, even those that are prey to a person like him.

We are dominated by societal and media based forces that tell as that we should conform to certain standards to fit in and act a specific manner. That we should just play our part in life that is least likely to cause disruption to the social norms. So many people are worried about how others perceive them that they cannot just be who they really are, when they should stop caring about what everybody else thinks of them. I will admit that I have had my own Tucker Max moments, few people know of those stories, ultimately though what I take away from his stories is that you should just stop caring about how others perceive you and be who you truly are and do what you want in life. It is as simple as that.

Side note: For any of those interested, he does have a second book out entitled "Assholes Finish First"

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