Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Of Course You Don't Die

Nobody dies. Death doesn't exist. You only reach a new level of vision, a new realm of consciousness, a new unknown world. (Henry Miller)

The existence of higher beings

by me on Thursday, July 12, 2007 at 5:28pm (facebook note)
Just under two and a half weeks ago I was up in Sauble walking along the beach and talking with Katie. Religion got brought up and I mentioned how I do not believe in religion or in higher beings; meanwhile, Katie was saying how she does not believe in religion but does believe in a higher being. Ever since I've been playing around with this idea in my head and this is what I've come up with.

I still do not believe in religion, or in higher beings but I do now believe that they exist and I do realize how contradictory that sounds. Keep in mind that the following are my opinions and my beliefs and not meant as any sort of attack on those of you that do believe. So, if you want to comment on them by all means do so but please keep it respectful.

The reason why I do not believe in a higher being stems from the theory that "God" did not create man, but man created "God." This was brought about by looking at all the different beliefs of either a single higher being or multiple ones and coming to a conclusion that the main purpose for a higher being is to explain the unknown. If you look at all the different mythologies such as the Greek, Roman, Egyptian, Norse, Mayan, etc...there are many gods each having a different purpose to help explain the naturally occurring things in the world. Example, Zues and his lightning bolts. Over time the human races' understanding of the world has grown and obviously the need for the multiple higher beings is gone. The biggest unknowns in the world how did we come to be and what happens when we die. Which is the fundamental basis behind the single higher being faiths. So humankind came up with these beings to give explanation for what all happens in life and in the world giving me the conclusion that "God" did not create man, but man created "God."

While I was thinking about this, the old question about if a tree falls in forest and no one is around does it make a sound came into my head. The answer to this question is no, scientifically speaking when the tree falls and hits the ground it does not create sound but sends waves or vibrations through the air, ground and any other medium. It is only converted into sound when these vibrations are picked up by our ears, turned into an electrical signal and then interpreted in our minds to what we know of as sound. Therefore, unless there is somebody around sound cannot exist. What this has to do with whether or not higher being exists is this...sound only exists because it is the creation of our minds, which is not unlike people's beliefs in a higher being. Higher beings were originally a creation of the mind to explain the unexplainable, and it is the fact that as long as there are people who believe in them they will exist, just like if there is somebody around to hear it, sound exists. Just like if there is nobody around to hear the sound then it cannot exist and if nobody believed in a higher being they would not exist either.

Even though because of my beliefs tell me that they do not exist, I have to acknowledge the fact that they do exist because of all the people in the world who believe in them.

Now obviously this is was an old note that I wrote and posted on Facebook, which is sort of a preface for my following blog post.

The Afterlife.

Now I realize that for a person who does not believe in god or even in religion that I would not believe that there would be an afterlife either. Even though that is a logical conclusion it is not the case for me anyway. It is said that there are three parts to a person, the mind, the body, and the soul. Each playing an important part to a person's life. For obvious reasons the "body" part is strictly restrained to the a person being alive. The "mind" is the embodiment of the person's intelligence, whereas, the "soul" is that of the person's emotions/feelings or character (or even the lack thereof in certain cases).

These last two aspects are what I believe pertain to a person's transformation from life to the afterlife. A person's intelligence is linked with the person's brain and all it is essentially just electrical signals firing between the various neurons. It is energy, it can be measured using an electrocardiography test (more commonly known as an ECG or EKG). Now for the "soul" it is still a bit of a mystery to what it actually is exactly; however, there are those who say that a person's "chi" or "aurora" which is basically the same as the person's soul is just that person's energy. Again a form of energy. So they are both forms of energy, big deal right? Wrong! Here is a little bit of science for you.

The first law of Thermodynamics, also known as the law of conservation of energy, states that: energy cannot be created of destroyed, it can only be converted from one form to another. What that means is that the total amount of energy that is in the universe is constant. In the case of a person's death, this is saying that the energy from the person's "mind", "body" and "soul" are being transferred back into the world around us. For the "body", it will slowly decompose or cremated transferring the energy that it holds within itself back into the world. On the other hand, the energy of the "mind" and the "soul" will start to transfer back when the body is starting to shut down. For a slower more natural death the energies are just released back with no paranormal effects. It is my belief that there are cases in which either the "mind" or the "soul" are strongly tied to strong spiritual beliefs, some sort of traumatic effect, or even through emotional attachment to a person, object, or location.

Religion is everywhere you look and in all sorts of various forms. Everybody will develop their own beliefs that stem from their religious backgrounds about what will happen to them when they die, and what happens in the afterlife. Whether it be heaven, hell, reincarnation, nothing at all, etc... In my opinion this is the first tier of what actually happens to us when we pass on because whether we believe in a religious belief or not our minds will inevitably fall upon what we truly believe as we fade into death. So as we fade our energies will be transferred into those beliefs and manifest themselves as such, whether that take the individual person to heaven, or hell, or to those who do not believe in an afterlife to nothing at all.

Trauma has quite the effect on people. Causing them to reflect on themselves and how their life has been up until that point and in instances where a person is in extreme trauma this reflection is even higher. As this occurs it stirs up all sorts of emotions, and feelings that ties the person to the traumatic event. Again this fits in with the theory that a person's energies can transfer onto the next life and if this attachment has a strong enough emotional connection, which is the result of chemical reactions, it can last for the rest of their physical life and onto the next.

That sort of emotional attachment can be from a negative aspect, for example, being murdered or suffering excruciating pain or through more positive feelings, such as, love. Where traumatic attachment usually deals with more negative feelings, strong emotional attachments to a person or object are generally from the positive aspect. For example, a parents or relatives who love a son or child enough to develop a emotional bond with them would be able to keep have that bond tie them to that person as they pass on from the physical world. Love is a powerful thing, even in the afterlife.

Regardless of what the person believes in, or how strong their emotional attachments are to a particular event, person, or even object, they can all come down to an assortment of chemical reactions that go on inside of our body. It is about as possible as any other theory out there that those energies can be transferred into another state of being. Maybe it is true, and maybe it is not, but those are my thoughts on the matter.

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