Recently I have joined a few teams, a couple volleyball teams and one dodge ball team. I know what you are thinking, "Dodge ball? Really?" Yes, really. It is awesome. Now there was a slight inconvenience this past Wednesday night, I had dodge ball at seven o'clock pm and volleyball at ten o'clock pm. Meaning I had to kill time between the two, which I spent at the McDonalds and Walmart and while at Walmart I saw this...
Now I do not know if it is just me or not but I find this advertisement a little discriminatory. Imagine this, if you will;
Mom is sitting at home alone on a Friday night, Son and Daughter are off with their friends and Dad is at poker night. Mom decides she wants to watch one of her favourite Blu-ray movies...
BUT WAIT! She cannot because according to Sony she can only watch Blu-rays as apart of "Family Fun" and seeing as she is all alone that is just not possible. *single tear*
Or this;
Dad has been watching Son playing all these video games and it has peeked his interest in wanting to play one for himself... BUT WAIT! Sony says that he is only allowed to use the PlayStation 3 for movies either through Netflix or one of the many Blu-rays available. Sorry Dad but you have been denied. *sad face*
I could go on giving more examples but I am pretty sure you all see what I am getting at and all I have to say to Sony is shame on you. You are a multi-national corporation, that have been providing families all over the world with decades of entertainment through all of your various products. I would think you of all companies would not be so prejudice against the individual family members in this way.
You should be ashamed of yourself.
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