...the second greatest force in the universe is ownership. (Chris Chocola)
The other day I came across this article about who this woman over in Spain has laid a claim of ownership on none other then the good ole magnificent sun. Not only does she want to own the sun, she wanted to charge everybody for its use, whether you are sun bathing, have solar panels, or I even imagine using it to see during the day. People's greed never ceases to amaze me.
Of course, the point was raised in the article that if she was going to charge everybody to use for the sun, then she would take full responsibility for damages caused by the sun. Solar flare knock out some satellites? No problem, sue her for the damages caused. Skin cancer or even a simple sunburn? Compensation is easily in sight.
My thoughts on this though, why just stop at the sun? If you are going to go big, you might as well go as big as humanly possible! I say from this moment on that I own the entire universe! Fear not though, I am a gracious person. I will not charge you some ridiculous fee for inhabiting my fair universe. No galactic charge, no planetary fees, not even a surcharge for the ever expanding space that my universe is providing you with. All that I ask is that I be forever known as the man who owns the entire universe.
I thank you all for your co-operation.
Sunday, January 30, 2011
Saturday, January 22, 2011
The Strike.
The year was 1994 and during the earlier months the topic of my birthday came up and about whether or not I would be interested in getting Blue Jay tickets as my present. Obviously being a kid I was ecstatic at the idea. Overly joyful even. As the months went by and crept closer to day of the celebration of my birth, I got even more excited. I was like a kid in a candy store, minus the candy store, but plus baseball tickets. For all those that do not know much about baseball and the sad and tragic event that occurred way back in 1994... the strike. As you could imagine it put a little damper on my birthday present. I kept up hope though that the strike would end and I would get my present.
It did not happen that way though.
As spring turned into summer and summer faded into fall there was no baseball games to go to, no tickets to be bought and no present for that little birthday boy. Sad I know, but it gets even sadder. You would think that I would have got something else for my birthday that year and you would think wrong. I never got anything else that year, and I still have not got those tickets after all these years since. It was like the birthday never happened.
It did not happen that way though.
As spring turned into summer and summer faded into fall there was no baseball games to go to, no tickets to be bought and no present for that little birthday boy. Sad I know, but it gets even sadder. You would think that I would have got something else for my birthday that year and you would think wrong. I never got anything else that year, and I still have not got those tickets after all these years since. It was like the birthday never happened.
If You Judge People
You have no time to love them. (Mother Teresa)
Recently I have joined a few teams, a couple volleyball teams and one dodge ball team. I know what you are thinking, "Dodge ball? Really?" Yes, really. It is awesome. Now there was a slight inconvenience this past Wednesday night, I had dodge ball at seven o'clock pm and volleyball at ten o'clock pm. Meaning I had to kill time between the two, which I spent at the McDonalds and Walmart and while at Walmart I saw this...

Now I do not know if it is just me or not but I find this advertisement a little discriminatory. Imagine this, if you will;
Mom is sitting at home alone on a Friday night, Son and Daughter are off with their friends and Dad is at poker night. Mom decides she wants to watch one of her favourite Blu-ray movies...
BUT WAIT! She cannot because according to Sony she can only watch Blu-rays as apart of "Family Fun" and seeing as she is all alone that is just not possible. *single tear*
Or this;
Dad has been watching Son playing all these video games and it has peeked his interest in wanting to play one for himself... BUT WAIT! Sony says that he is only allowed to use the PlayStation 3 for movies either through Netflix or one of the many Blu-rays available. Sorry Dad but you have been denied. *sad face*
I could go on giving more examples but I am pretty sure you all see what I am getting at and all I have to say to Sony is shame on you. You are a multi-national corporation, that have been providing families all over the world with decades of entertainment through all of your various products. I would think you of all companies would not be so prejudice against the individual family members in this way.
You should be ashamed of yourself.
Recently I have joined a few teams, a couple volleyball teams and one dodge ball team. I know what you are thinking, "Dodge ball? Really?" Yes, really. It is awesome. Now there was a slight inconvenience this past Wednesday night, I had dodge ball at seven o'clock pm and volleyball at ten o'clock pm. Meaning I had to kill time between the two, which I spent at the McDonalds and Walmart and while at Walmart I saw this...
Now I do not know if it is just me or not but I find this advertisement a little discriminatory. Imagine this, if you will;
Mom is sitting at home alone on a Friday night, Son and Daughter are off with their friends and Dad is at poker night. Mom decides she wants to watch one of her favourite Blu-ray movies...
BUT WAIT! She cannot because according to Sony she can only watch Blu-rays as apart of "Family Fun" and seeing as she is all alone that is just not possible. *single tear*
Or this;
Dad has been watching Son playing all these video games and it has peeked his interest in wanting to play one for himself... BUT WAIT! Sony says that he is only allowed to use the PlayStation 3 for movies either through Netflix or one of the many Blu-rays available. Sorry Dad but you have been denied. *sad face*
I could go on giving more examples but I am pretty sure you all see what I am getting at and all I have to say to Sony is shame on you. You are a multi-national corporation, that have been providing families all over the world with decades of entertainment through all of your various products. I would think you of all companies would not be so prejudice against the individual family members in this way.
You should be ashamed of yourself.
Monday, January 17, 2011
The Mailbox.
It was sometime during the winter of of 2002, near the beginning of the year. The day before I was talking to my buddy Corey about getting a ride into school in the morning since we both had basketball practice after school and he was my ride home from that anyway. So the next morning I get up and got ready and walked down to his place and he mentioned that he was picking up another guy too, Pat, so he would not have to take his hockey equipment on the bus. A few minutes later we pick Pat up and and start heading off to school, which is about a fifteen to twenty minute drive away in another town. The roads out in the country that day were not all that bad apart from there were sections that were completely covered in snow while other sections were bare. We were about seven or eight minutes away from our destination and just coming off of one of those snow covered sections when the back of the car started fish tailing. Corey's doing his best to get the car back in control while I am sitting in the front passenger seat noticing that there is a nice big transport truck coming down the road in the other direction. The car is still skidding back and forth and Corey is not having any luck getting it back on track while that lovely transport is still coming at us and of course, as the transport was coming up to us in the other lane the back end started skidding out into that lane. We came within a few feet from getting hit by that truck but thankfully Corey cranked on the wheel and sent the back end of the car the other way where it crashed right into a mailbox. The rear passenger door window on my side shattered everywhere, or well mostly into Pat who was luckily sitting behind drivers seat. After getting the car under control, Corey pulled over and we all made sure we were all ok, and took a quick glance at the damage done. Huge pole shaped dent by the way.
We got to school and in the parking lot we took a better look at the damage, the car hit right on the rear wheel, with a dent not only in the quarter panel, and the frame but also the tire.
In case you are unaware of this, it takes quite a bit of a force to dent a wheel like that.
We were all fine, not a scratch, understandably though we were a little shook up about it but otherwise perfectly fine. I get into my first period class, did not talk about what happened with anybody but sat there and listened to the teacher who coincidentally enough talked about car crashes. I was less then excited about that. My next class was Physics, were of course when you are dealing with speed and acceleration, cars always come up as examples. Not that it bothered me, it was just odd how two classes in a row were talking about speeding cars and then later on I went to my third class, which was Economics and my teacher for that was an odd person. For some reason he started talking about speeding cars and jumping up on the curb to run people over in some sort of example for whatever. I honestly was not paying attention to what he was actually talking about before he started on rampage sidewalks with a car. Luckily lunch was next and my last class of the day was uneventful.
Basketball practice was fun, but Corey and I had to leave early to go find the mailbox that we thought we would have destroyed upon impact with the car. We got to the spot where we thought we had hit the mailbox and there was still a mailbox there relatively unscathed, which confused as a little since we figured there would have been more damage done. Anyway, we go up to the guys house and Corey goes and talks to owner apologizing for hitting his mailbox and yada yada. The guy tells Corey that he did not even notice, and that apparently his post is a steel post buried six feet into the ground. No wonder there was not any damage done to the mailbox.
And thus concludes the first time Corey's driving as instrumental in preventing me to be apart of a serious automobile collision.
We got to school and in the parking lot we took a better look at the damage, the car hit right on the rear wheel, with a dent not only in the quarter panel, and the frame but also the tire.
In case you are unaware of this, it takes quite a bit of a force to dent a wheel like that.
We were all fine, not a scratch, understandably though we were a little shook up about it but otherwise perfectly fine. I get into my first period class, did not talk about what happened with anybody but sat there and listened to the teacher who coincidentally enough talked about car crashes. I was less then excited about that. My next class was Physics, were of course when you are dealing with speed and acceleration, cars always come up as examples. Not that it bothered me, it was just odd how two classes in a row were talking about speeding cars and then later on I went to my third class, which was Economics and my teacher for that was an odd person. For some reason he started talking about speeding cars and jumping up on the curb to run people over in some sort of example for whatever. I honestly was not paying attention to what he was actually talking about before he started on rampage sidewalks with a car. Luckily lunch was next and my last class of the day was uneventful.
Basketball practice was fun, but Corey and I had to leave early to go find the mailbox that we thought we would have destroyed upon impact with the car. We got to the spot where we thought we had hit the mailbox and there was still a mailbox there relatively unscathed, which confused as a little since we figured there would have been more damage done. Anyway, we go up to the guys house and Corey goes and talks to owner apologizing for hitting his mailbox and yada yada. The guy tells Corey that he did not even notice, and that apparently his post is a steel post buried six feet into the ground. No wonder there was not any damage done to the mailbox.
And thus concludes the first time Corey's driving as instrumental in preventing me to be apart of a serious automobile collision.
Friday, January 14, 2011
Memory Is A Way Of Holding Onto
...the things you love, the things you are, the things you never want to lose. (The Wonder Years)
As I mentioned in my last post, I have created a secondary blog where I will regale you in everything that I can remember about myself and my past. You may find this here http://thememoriesthatwere.blogspot.com. Please enjoy.
As I mentioned in my last post, I have created a secondary blog where I will regale you in everything that I can remember about myself and my past. You may find this here http://thememoriesthatwere.blogspot.com. Please enjoy.
The First.
Given the name that I have chosen for this blog it is easily deduced that I will be writing about my memories as I of course remember them. Obviously when a person tries to remember things from their past it is not always one hundred percent accurate, things get lost over time. I will do my best though to be as thorough and precise as possible.
Seeing as this is the first post of this new blog, I should recount my earliest memory that I have in my mind.
The earliest thing I can remember from my life is being at my Grandmother's house all dressed up in some pretty fancy dress clothes, tiny little dress pants, a dress shirt and a vest to be precise. There were a bunch of people around also dressed up for whatever reason. At the time I was small enough that I could not just raise my leg up and put it back down on a step to climb a set of stairs like that. I actually had to climb up them. No idea how old I was exactly but it would have easily been within the first few years of my life.
Now later on there was a moment when I was older (roughly nine or ten years old) when my mother, my sister, my brother and I were sitting around in the living room and somehow ended up talking old memories and I brought up this memory of mind to see if my mom could give me more clarity about it, which she did not give much. She ended up saying that it must have been so and so's wedding, I do not recognize the names then and I certainly do not remember who she said now. My mom at the time also ended up telling me that I could not have been more than two years old at the time.
So my first memory comes from way back when I was less than two years old, in my opinion that is kind of cool. And with this being said, I shall leave you to your own memories.
Seeing as this is the first post of this new blog, I should recount my earliest memory that I have in my mind.
The earliest thing I can remember from my life is being at my Grandmother's house all dressed up in some pretty fancy dress clothes, tiny little dress pants, a dress shirt and a vest to be precise. There were a bunch of people around also dressed up for whatever reason. At the time I was small enough that I could not just raise my leg up and put it back down on a step to climb a set of stairs like that. I actually had to climb up them. No idea how old I was exactly but it would have easily been within the first few years of my life.
Now later on there was a moment when I was older (roughly nine or ten years old) when my mother, my sister, my brother and I were sitting around in the living room and somehow ended up talking old memories and I brought up this memory of mind to see if my mom could give me more clarity about it, which she did not give much. She ended up saying that it must have been so and so's wedding, I do not recognize the names then and I certainly do not remember who she said now. My mom at the time also ended up telling me that I could not have been more than two years old at the time.
So my first memory comes from way back when I was less than two years old, in my opinion that is kind of cool. And with this being said, I shall leave you to your own memories.
Wednesday, January 12, 2011
Sometimes I Need
...what only you can provide -- your absence (Ashleigh Brilliant)
You, as one of my many multitudes of fans, may have noticed my lack of devotion to this site as of late... or if you have not then well I am just deeply saddened by your lack of caring. My heart is shattered by that, I shall endure though so do not fret.
I guess this would be the time that I explain why I have not been posting; however, I do not feel like it. So you are out of luck.
Regardless I have been thinking back and forth about a few things and truth be told my blog will soon be expanding, doubling in its awesomeness. You should look forward to this. Toodles for now.
You, as one of my many multitudes of fans, may have noticed my lack of devotion to this site as of late... or if you have not then well I am just deeply saddened by your lack of caring. My heart is shattered by that, I shall endure though so do not fret.
I guess this would be the time that I explain why I have not been posting; however, I do not feel like it. So you are out of luck.
Regardless I have been thinking back and forth about a few things and truth be told my blog will soon be expanding, doubling in its awesomeness. You should look forward to this. Toodles for now.
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