Saturday, May 24, 2008

Snap, Crackle, and Pop.

Whoa! Making a post two days in a row, go me!!

Though, I really have nothing to say. No interesting stories, no random or exciting event to go on about. I guess, that's not really any different from any other time. So here it is right now, as it life.

A two years ago my life started to crumble. A year and a half ago it came completely crashing down, for added effect think of me being a glass and the things that consisted of my life as water inside the glass. Now picture the glass falling, shattering on the ground and pieces of me, as well as, my life spilling out all over the place. There was nothing left of me, no will to live, no energy to do anything. Just a useless lump of a human being. I had nobody to turn to for help, only person I could rely on was myself and even then I had failed myself hugely when a certain thing happened. I am not going to go into any details because that will just take too long but hopefully you can get the picture.

I really do not know how I made it through that. I have battled depression since I was eleven years old but that was by far worse than anything I have ever gone through, there was no hope left inside of me. I am here though, still trying to get myself back up, not fully pieced back together but continuing on none the less.

As I look out into the world though, there is no hope for me. I have no desire, no passion for anything. I cannot go on living in a world where everybody must conform to fill some sort of hole in the fabric of society just so I can have the privilege of having a mediocre existence. The way the world works now, the way society is, both make me sick to my stomach. We should not be working just to scrape enough money together to be able to live, we should work for the betterment of humankind. To ensure the survival of our species we should be coming together instead of the constant warfare and discrimination. We will be the death of ourselves and I do not want anything apart of this world if it continues down this path.

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